
Netsheet Link

Online Netsheets

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Calculate an estimated closing statement by filling in the fields below.

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Your Customer Information

This Netsheet is for a:
Seller's Name:

Transaction Information

Escrow Location (County, State):
Sales Price:
Is the buyer eligible for a county homeowner's exemption on property tax?
Is the seller a resident of Hawaii?
Is the seller a U.S. Citizen (pursuant to FIRPTA requirements)?
Closing Date:
Credit to Buyer:
Home Warranty Premium:

Existing Primary Mortgage

Balance Left on Primary Mortgage:
Interest % on Primary Mortgage:
Prepayment Penalty:

Existing Secondary Mortgage

Balance Left on Secondary Mortgage:
Interest % on Secondary Mortgage:
Prepayment Penalty:

Sales Commissions:

Sales Commission:
Include GET

Property Taxes/HOA Dues

Property Taxes:
Property Taxes Term:
Property Taxes Paid To Date:
Property Taxes Next Installment:
Homeowners Dues:
Homeowners Dues Due Date:
Homeowners Dues Term:

Miscellaneous Items


Your Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Your Company:
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